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South American Lungfish (Juvenile)

South American Lungfish (Juvenile)

Regular price £200.00 GBP
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The South American Lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa) sometimes called the "American Mud Fish" or "Scaly Salamander Fish" is a species of Lungfish native to South America. 


In the wild, these fish live in swamps and slow moving rivers in the Amazon, Paraguay, and Lower Paraná River basins.

The Juveniles of this species display a black coloured body peppered with yellow dots, whereas the adults become a uniform brown or grey colour.

A comfortable temperature for these fish is between 24°C - 30°C.


Our specimen currently measures approx. 15cm - 18cm

This species' maximum size can reach as large as 125cm


We recommend an aquarium with a minimum capacity of 3200 Litres. with measurements of 240cm x 90cm x 150cm. (8′ x 3′ x 5′). This is due to the adult's maximum size.

These fish tend not to move very much, remaining sedentary unless they are looking for food or surfacing for air. As their name suggests, these fish use gulps of air to supplement their breathing using a specialised organ known as a Labyrinth. In nature, this is to help them breathe in the low oxygen habitats in which they live.

The tank should be well established to avoid any surprise changes in water parameters that may upset or be otherwise detrimental to the fish.

It is important to leave a gap between the surface of the water and the lid of the aquarium, so that this fish will be able to take gulps of air as needed.

Feed the juvenile with algae pellets, snails, and frozen insect larvae such as bloodworm.

When adult, feed with shrimp and other small crustaceans supplemented with algae pellets.

pH levels should fall between the 6 - 7.5 range.
Hardness should fall between 5 - 12 dGH


Arguably the most docile of the lungfish species. This fish can, with caution, be housed in a community tank. Ensure tank mates are fast and not of a size than can be readily eaten as the adult lungfish may target them if hungry.

A species only tank is usually preferred, however, as this fish is an extremely unusual centre piece and will make for a unique denizen in a properly aquascaped tank.

This is a freshwater species - Do not put it in a marine / saltwater aquarium.

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