Checkered Barb
Checkered Barb
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The Checkered Barb (Oliotius oligolepis) is a species of Barb native to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. It has also been introduced to Colombia, South America.
These fish will thrive in water that is soft and slightly acidic, although they can tolerate a range of water conditions.
Checkered Barbs much prefer a planted tank, with plenty of greenery and some rocks for them to hide in.
A comfortable temperature for these fish is between 20°C - 25°C.
Our specimens currently measure approx. 1"- 1.5" / 2.5cm - 3.8cm
This species' maximum size typically reaches approx. 2" / 5cm
We recommend an aquarium with a minimum capacity of 70 Litres (15 Gallons)
The tank should be well established to avoid any surprise changes in water parameters that may upset or be otherwise detrimental to the fish.
pH levels should fall between the 6 - 7 range.
The Checkered Barb should be kept in groups of 6 or more, with a greater ratio of Females to Males. Males occasionally bicker and jostle among themselves, but these fish are otherwise peaceful.
They can be added to a community aquarium with tank mates of a similar size and nature.
This is a freshwater species - Do not put them in a marine / saltwater aquarium.